Declare works exclusively with B2B technology companies including software vendors, OEMs, hardware manufacturers, solution providers and mobile operators. Our clients place value on our knowledge and understanding of the dynamic relationships between companies, their customers, prospects and partners. Such market dynamics are our focus and our passion. Since 1997, we have been working with many of today’s leading technology industry players; their business leaders, product, sales and marketing teams.
Working with Clients in an Increasingly Complex Business Landscape
The commercialisation of technology and related services is a complex and challenging process. Vendors and solution providers operate in an intensely competitive and fluid marketplace in which an array of key stakeholders influence decisions; the end-user demanding choice and flexibility, line of business leaders aiming to increase productivity, IT decision makers seeking to maintain control, price conscious procurement professionals, finance and operations driven by cost reduction and process automation, channel partners and systems integrators who may have vested interest in favouring one vendor over another, and finally government institutions, regulatory bodies and legal entities who specify functional requirements and business standards.
Differentiation, Reinforcement and Value.
Successful strategies require comprehensive, up-to-date understanding of these stakeholders, their motivations and business needs as well as the interactions and relationships that bring them together. For technology companies to succeed in this environment, they must build and continuously maintain competitive differentiation by constantly reinforcing their value propositions to appropriately targeted customer segments. Equally, rapid changes such as the transition to cloud computing, the uptake of touch and mobile technologies, the proliferation of apps, and the impact of consumerisation require new levels of efficiency, scale and performance.